
Lot 16 New Yorker R

Chestnut Colt

21/10/17 Mature 16hh

MSJ Nemo (Imp) x Sunflower R

On account of Ryans

GST payable in addition to the purchase price

Holy Smoke here they come, the first of the MSJ Nemo foals and don’t they look exciting. New Yorker R has so much bling, including under his tummy. New Yorker R is the most beautiful type and at just one week of age, which is when this photograph was taken, already shows paces that make the mind take a breath. How good is this foal? Well, none of us really know, however, there is no question that New Yorker R is really, really nice. New Yorker R is by MSJ Nemo who combines the gold medallist in Valegro from the Rio de Janeiro Olympics ridden by Charlotte Dujardin and the silver medallist in Weihegold ridden by Isabell Werth. MSJ Nemo is possibly the best bred young dressage stallion in the world today! MSJ Nemo has just started under saddle himself and his natural ability and quietness and confidence is coming up on our radar loud and clear. We are excited and the appearance of the first MSJ Nemo foals has made us very excited. New Yorker R comes from the unique Starnberg and Regardez Moi bloodlines on his mother’s side. Starnberg is by Sir Donnerhall and Starnberg as a young stallion was doing displays of all the Grand Prix movements including wonderful piaffe and passage at just six years of age. Also on the dam side is Regardez Moi who is a legend in his own right and was three times Australian Grand Prix champion. New Yorker R is sensational!

MSJ Nemo (Imp)
Royal Schufro
Rubin Royal
Sunflower R
Starnberg (Imp)
Sir Donnerhall
Rocklilly R
Regardez Moi (imp)
Samphire R


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