
Utopian Classic

Buckskin gelding

15/12/2011 16.1hh

Byalee Briar (imp) x Wynella Fanfair

On account of Anthony & Julieanne Thornhill

GST payable in addition to the purchase price

Utopian Classic is quite an outstanding individual with super breeding. Utopian Classic is by Byalee Briar who is primarily a dressage stallion however Byalee Briar has indeed sired some very promising eventers as can be seen in Bronze Boy R who is also for sale in this Auction. Utopian Classic has in the main focused on dressage and in 2017 was reserve AOR novice champion at the Taree dressage competition. This year in 2018 Utopian Classic went one better and was the AOR novice champion. Utopian Classic actually scored a 10 for his walk. Utopian Classic does also have a really lovely trot and a beautiful canter. Utopian Classic is out of Wynella Fanfair who is by Falkland II. Falkland II was himself a very serious dressage horse and did sire some good dressage offspring. On the bottom line of Utopian Classic we have Cinnamon who has produced a straight show jumper. Actually not surprising considering Cinnamon is by Contact who in turn is by Cor de la Bryere. Cor de la Bryere is the foundation stallion for all the modern ‘C’ line in todays show jumping genetics. This is the top line. Also right at the bottom there is Julie Pampas who is by Black Pampas who is one of the outstanding thoroughbred lines in Australia to produce jumping horses. Utopian Classic is born to be a superstar.

Contact Heath Ryan on 0417 656 636 for more information

Byalee Briar (imp)
Bjorsells Briar 899
Wynella Fanfair
Falkland II
Julie Pampas


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